Sick of staring at an empty hardwood staircase? Get in touch with your artistic�side and add some color to the steps. Make sure that when remodeling your staircase your new theme matches your current decor such as keeping your�wall colors and�windows and draperies�in mind. �All projects can be done on your own, so there's no need to hire outside help.�
Vacation or location tribute wall
Collect different signs and artwork from vacations and special places and hang them up on the wall alongside the staircase. Dig up all of the old postcards from your travels and make a collage to pin up. Frame old scenic landscape photographs from the trip, and you will be reliving the vacation with every step that you take. �
Vintage family tribute wall
Print some black and white photographs of your loved ones in all different sizes and frame them to hang them up along the walls leading up to the next floor. Ask your parents and family for old photographs of their childhood and of their parents. All frames do not need to be identical, but try to stay with the same color palette to create a cohesive look. Mix in some old vintage mirrors for the real 1940's effect.�
Wallpaper stairwell
Find a subtle wallpaper that compliments the paint color or existing wallpaper and fill in the gaps between each stair with the new wallpaper. Make sure that the wallpaper that you picked is not too busy- perhaps choose a color from your window draperies, which will bring the whole room together.�
Tile mosaics
This may take a lot more time than the other projects, but is well worth it in the end. Find a bunch of tiles, that can be any size,�and glue them all together like a puzzle. You can use mirrors, stain glass, shells and glue tile�on a thin piece of wood that is the exact measurement of the stair, and glue the whole board to the gaps in the staircase.�