Now that warm weather is just around the corner, you're likely ready to prep your beach house for the upcoming season. With the right discount window treatments, furnishings and accent decor, you can transform any seaside residence into a tropical paradise. Here are some tips on how to decorate your vacation home and make it look like you brought in a professional.
1. Stick to blues and greens
What better way to decorate your beach home than with colors you can find right outside your door? Southern Living recommends using various blues and greens throughout your humble abode to create a tranquil feeling that goes hand in hand with the ocean.
2. Warm it up with wood
Not sure if you're still into the metallic furnishings you brought in last summer? There's no better time than the present to transition to wood, according to the Washington Post. Bringing in wooden furnishings can add character and warmth to any beach house. Don't forget to allow the sunlight to flow in through your windows with wood blinds as well.
3. Use nautical items as decor
One easy way to make your space reminiscent of the ocean is to bring nautical items right into your living space. HGTV recommends using everything from oars to wicker baseboards�on your walls to create a beautiful look that always reminds you that you're close to the sea.
4. Bring the beach indoors
If you still don't feel like your vacation house feels�enough�like a seaside paradise, House Beautiful magazine encourages you to bring items such as model boats and seashells into your living space. These small touches can go a long way�toward�creating a place that you'll want to use year after year.�
Whether you're ready to hit the white sand next weekend or you're simply prepping for the summer, these four tips can give you a place to start.