After you purchase your first home, you're likely going to feel an itch to redecorate all of your living spaces to your liking. While this isn't unreasonable, it can be difficult to approach the redesign process if you're not exactly a professional interior designer. That being said, it's not impossible to make your brand new house truly your own with a few personalized decorative touches. With the right discount window treatments, wall art and accent pieces, you can make a dramatic improvement to any room in your home. Here are some tips on how to begin the process.
1. Find the appropriate window treatments for each room.
Whether you want to start with your bathroom or your living room, decorating can be simpler if you begin with your windows. The window treatments you choose can set the tone for the rest of your space, whether you're interested in thick drapes or pleated shades. The curtains, blinds and shades you choose can also complement any existing furniture you might have in the room. For example, think of how lovely your wooden Chippendale dresser will look alongside wood blinds.
2. Don't worry about matching.
As you decorate your first home, you'll come to realize that all of the furnishings from your old place might not match seamlessly in the many rooms you now have to decorate. However, HGTV.com states that this is completely normal and you shouldn't force yourself to match everything in sight. Taking a relaxed approach to arranging your decorations and furnishings can help you create an interior design that speaks to your personal taste.
3. Buy what you need and splurge where necessary.
The Seattle Times states that if there was ever a time to make big purchases on furniture, it's when you buy a new home. Whether you could use a new side table or a loveseat, now it's the perfect opportunity as you arrange your furnishings to your liking.
It's also a good idea to invest in high-quality furniture that will stand up to the test of time. After you achieve the perfect interior design in your new home, you'll want to ensure it stays that way for as long as possible. Durable furniture can help you achieve this goal.
Whether you've already moved into your new place or you're merely planning out how you want everything to look once you get there, these tips can help you along the way.